Monday, January 5, 2009

{birth of a blog}

There comes a time in the lives of certain web-savvy {web-obsessed, web-deluded} individuals when starting a blog seems suspiciously like a good idea. This time often coincides with personal realizations concerning one or more of the following:
  • supreme arrogance of taste and opinion
  • thinly veiled desire to take over the world
  • gross excess of intellectual clutter
  • natural (if wholly obnoxious) inquisitiveness
  • stark lack of love life
  • general loneliness
  • paralyzing boredom
  • shiny optimism (owed entirely to the start of a New Year)
By no means an exhaustive list, but it is probably safe to assume that, on occasion, the idealistic resolution-making of an affable — if largely inquisitive and intellectually cluttered — twenty-three-year-old will spill over into the blogosphere. Consider this post proof-positive.

Of course, in all my arrogant, wishful scheming, I was hoping a blog might spring, brilliant and fully-formed, from the soft tissue of my skull...

...requiring little-to-no compositional effort on my part. I have since learned that human-interweb relations have not yet reached the necessary point of integration (though some accounts of online gaming leave me wondering).

Definitive portrait of the modern individual {beatific bearer of absolute wisdom}, this is not.

But if you're interested in the spontaneous musings of a sometime incisive, skeptically trendy, girl who sleeps with other girls — who appreciates art and life and clever reporting, and doesn't mind treading the hazy line between Lohan/Ronson blasé and complex {convoluted} considerations of social identity (is the former, in fact, a smart and studied critique of the latter, or does it all reek of carelessness and ingratitude for battles fought, lost, won?) — watch this space.

I can't guarantee my posts won't, on occasion, appear juvenile, naïve or poorly formed (at twenty-three, I reserve the right to certain lingering immaturities), but I will offer the following caveat in defense of my integrity:

Should the ratio of semi-intelligent content to incoherent confessions of deeds ill-done grow unattractively small — my parents, being more or less non-religious and thereby sparing me the weight of Catholic guilt, failed to warn me of all the other things a well-meaning global citizen might encounter and feel awful about — this blog is toast.

(Coherent confessions are, of course, another matter entirely.)


Anonymous said...

"Supreme arrogance of taste and opinion." Yes!
"Gross excess of intellectual clutter." Ha ha, yes!
"Natural (if wholly obnoxious) inquisitiveness." Yes yes yes!

Today I fell in love with your head, and with the metaphorical pen that allows it to be experienced. I look forward to enjoying a discourse with you, ironically one-sided though it may be, and as such I now tip my hat to you and bid you good luck in the eternal war against apathy and the despair of a purposeless existence!